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TENDER/227/MOP-2024 Date: 18th of March 2025
1. In accordance with paragraph a) (1) article 43.º, article 44.º, (2) article 73.º from de Decree-Law no. 22/2022, May 11th, amended by the Decree-Law no. 14/2023, April 12th, the National Procurement Commission (NPC), as instructed by the Employer – Ministry of Public Works (MPW) is inviting interested eligible international and national companies to submit bids for the:
2. The project is located in Ainaro and Covalima Municipality.
3. The bidding shall be conducted with Single Stage-Two Envelopes Procedure, wherein the Technical Bid and Price Bid shall be submitted together in separately sealed envelopes.
4. Participation in this bidding process is open to all interested international and national bidders. The attention of interested bidders is drawn to the key qualification and award criteria detailed in the Bidding Document, which include:
a. Historical Financial Performance
Submission of audited financial statements or, if not required by the law of the Bidder’s country, other financial statements acceptable to the Employer, for the last three (3) years to demonstrate the current soundness of the Bidder’s financial position. As a minimum, the Bidder’s net worth for the last three (3) years calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities should be positive.
b. Average Annual Construction Turnover
For Single Entities/Joint Ventures
Minimum average annual construction turnover of $ 10,000,000.00 calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last three (3) years.
In case of JV, all Partners Combined must meet the requirement, one Partner must meet the 40% of the Requirement and each Partner must meet the 25% of the Requirement.
c. Financial Resources
For Single Entities/Joint Ventures
The Bidder must demonstrate access to financial resources defined in FIN-3, less its financial obligations for its current contract commitments defined in FIN-4, meet or exceed the total requirement for the Subject Contract of $ 1,700,000.00.
In case of JV, all Partners Combined must meet the requirement, one Partner must meet the 40% of the Requirement and each Partner must meet the 25% of the Requirement.
d. Contracts of Similar Size and Nature
Participation as a prime contractor or joint venture partner in at least two similar Road and Bridge Construction Contracts that have been successfully or substantially completed between 1st January 2017 and bid submission deadline and that are similar to the proposed works, where the value of the Bidder’s participation under each contract exceeds US$ 4,000,000.00.
The similarity of the contracts shall be based on Section 6, Works’ Requirements and Scope of Works, specify the minimum key requirements in terms of physical size, complexity, construction method, technology and/or other characteristics.
In case of JV, all partners combined must meet the requirement.
e. Construction Experience in Key Activities
For the above and any other contracts that have been successfully or substantially completed as prime contractor or joint venture member between 1st January 2017 and Bid submission deadline, a minimum construction experience in the following key activities successfully completed in one contract:
1. Excavation and Embankment: 380,000.00 m3
2. Aggregate Base/Subbase: 19,000 m3
3. Asphaltic Concrete Binder Course: 34,000.00 m2
4. Stone Masonry/Gabion: 20,000 m3
5. The minimum passing score for bidder qualification is 75 points. The Bidder must submit all the qualification document as required in the Bidding Document.
6. Interested bidders may inspect the Bidding Documents or obtain further information from:
National Procurement Commission (NPC)
Avenida De Balide, Díli, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670 3331101
Email: ls@cna.gov.tl;
Cc: as@cna.gov.tl; ns@cna.gov.tl; rl@cna.gov.tl; lh@cna.gov.tl; gx@cna.gov.tl;
7. The Bidding Document can be obtained free-of-charge by any interested companies by sending through email a letter to participate in the tender to the email addresses specified above. Upon receipt of letter of intent, the National Procurement Commission (NPC) will promptly send via email a PDF copy of the documents including Bid Submission Forms.
8. The date of site visit will be decided during pre-bid meeting. A site visit is mandatory.
9. A pre-bid meeting will be held at 15:00 pm local time on 8 April 2025 at the same address specified above. Attending the Pre-bid meeting is mandatory.
The bidder has the option to attend the pre-bid meeting physically or virtually through Zoom in date, time and place with the above with the access as follows.
Meeting ID: 642 193 8789
Passcode: cna2021
Join Zoom Meeting
10. Bidders must enclose with their Technical Bid a Bid Security (in the form of Bank Guarantee) in the amount of US$ 50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand United States Dollars).
11. The bid security shall be valid twenty-eight (28) days beyond the original validity period of the bid, or beyond any period of extension if requested under ITB 18.2.
12. The bid must be received in the Tender Box located at the same address specified above not later than 15:00 hour’s local time on 7 May 2025.
13. Technical Bids will be opened at the same address in 7 May 2025, at 15:00 hours Timor-Leste time and in the presence of Bidders representative who wish to attend. Technical Bids will be opened immediately after submission of bids.
14. Any Bid or its modification received by the Employer after the deadline shall be declared late and rejected, and promptly returned unopened.
15. The Maximum budget for the assignment: US$ 5,345,353.29 (inclusive of Taxes and other expense and profit). The Bidder is responsible to pay all applicable taxes in accordance with the law and as per bidding document.
Note: The Employer may disqualify evaluated price bids exceeding maximum budget.
16. The duration for construction is 12 months and Defect Notification Period is 365 days.
17. Bidder shall provide justification in the price bid if abnormally low-price bid (if it doesn’t reach 70% of the cost estimate).
18. The Employer shall award the contract to the Bidder with the highest combined score evaluated in accordance with the procedure specified under Section 3 – Bid Evaluation Procedure, provided further that the Bidder is determined to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.
19. The winner of this tender will be required to submit a Performance Guarantee in the form of an unconditional and non-revocable bank guarantee. Bank Guarantee issued by an overseas bank shall have a corresponding bank in TL. Additionally, during contract implementation, the winner (awardee) will be subjected to a quality guarantee in the form of retention.
20. Bidder shall be responsible for paying of all related taxes.
21. The bid Validity is 180 days after the submission of the bid.